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Showing posts from May 24, 2017

Cool Spacewalk, Right? Get Ready for More—ISS Will Need Fixin’

Tuesday's contingency spacewalk could signal the beginning of more frequent repairs on the aging space station The post Cool Spacewalk, Right? Get Ready for More—ISS Will Need Fixin' appeared first on WIRED .

Virus Hunters Draw a Map of Zika’s Spread With DNA

According to new genetic evidence, public health efforts to contain and fight the disease could have—and should have—gotten started much sooner. The post Virus Hunters Draw a Map of Zika's Spread With DNA appeared first on WIRED .

DJI’s New Palm-Sized Drone Responds To a Wave of Your Hand

DJI unveiled a new drone today, and isn't it just the cutest little thing? The post DJI's New Palm-Sized Drone Responds To a Wave of Your Hand appeared first on WIRED .

Facebook Claims It Has a Better Way to Prove Ads Work on Facebook

The plan? Convince advertisers that metrics don't matter. The post Facebook Claims It Has a Better Way to Prove Ads Work on Facebook appeared first on WIRED .

Need a Memorial Day to Remember? Ice-Bike the Northwest Passage

Just make sure the tires are big enough. The post Need a Memorial Day to Remember? Ice-Bike the Northwest Passage appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Origin PC EON15-S Gaming Laptop

A solid gaming configuration, starting at just $999. The post Review: Origin PC EON15-S Gaming Laptop appeared first on WIRED .

Sphero’s New Cars Toy Is the Fanciest RC Car You Ever Did See

Take Lightning McQueen for a spin with this app-controlled toy. The post Sphero’s New Cars Toy Is the Fanciest RC Car You Ever Did See appeared first on WIRED .

The Tricky Ethics of Big Pharma Soft-Selling on Soap Operas

Medical professionals have raised concerns about whether General Hospital's plotline blurred the lines between disease awareness and advertisement. The post The Tricky Ethics of Big Pharma Soft-Selling on Soap Operas appeared first on WIRED .

Intel’s Plan to Thunderbolt 3 All of the Things

Two years after Intel embraced USB-C for Thunderbolt 3, it's taking another big step toward the mainstream. The post Intel's Plan to Thunderbolt 3 All of the Things appeared first on WIRED .

Google’s AlphaGo Levels Up From Board Games to Power Grids

By redesigning how its AlphaGo AI learns, Google has made a system that can tackle much more than just boardgames. The post Google's AlphaGo Levels Up From Board Games to Power Grids appeared first on WIRED .

The Story of Arc Symphony, a Game About a Game That Doesn’t Exist

Part game, part viral marketing, the brief interactive fiction examines how stories reshape the world around us. The post The Story of Arc Symphony , a Game About a Game That Doesn’t Exist appeared first on WIRED .

Garmin’s New 360 Cam Makes Your Stupid Stunts Spherical

A new 360-degree action camera from Garmin puts your most extreme self in the round. The post Garmin's New 360 Cam Makes Your Stupid Stunts Spherical appeared first on WIRED .

Enjoy the Early-’00s Nostalgia Wave—It Might Be the Last Revival

Thanks to LCD Soundsystem, 'Mean Girls,' and 'Arrested Development,' the early '00s are back. But how will we remember our digital-dominated modern age? The post Enjoy the Early-’00s Nostalgia Wave—It Might Be the Last Revival appeared first on WIRED .

An Up-Close Look at the Notorious APT32 Hacking Group in Action

Cybersecurity company Cybereason has shared new details about how one of the world's most mysterious hacking groups operates. The post An Up-Close Look at the Notorious APT32 Hacking Group in Action appeared first on WIRED .

Google Unleashes AlphaGo in China—But Good Luck Watching It There

Google's Go-playing AI is going head-to-head in China against the world's best player. But inside the country, you can't get much of a view of the match. The post Google Unleashes AlphaGo in China—But Good Luck Watching It There appeared first on WIRED .

Why Are Whales So Dang Big? Science May Finally Have an Answer

Baleen whales probably only grew colossal some 3 million years ago, and it was probably climate change that triggered the transformation. The post Why Are Whales So Dang Big? Science May Finally Have an Answer appeared first on WIRED .

A Physicist Breaks Down One of Roger Moore’s Iconic Bond Stunts

Our resident expert examines Bond's wild skydive in 'Moonraker.' The post A Physicist Breaks Down One of Roger Moore's Iconic Bond Stunts appeared first on WIRED .

Think Before You Tweet In the Wake of an Attack

Terrorists use social media to recruit, but they also depend on you and the media to use it to amplify their message. The post Think Before You Tweet In the Wake of an Attack appeared first on WIRED .

A Campus Murder Tests Facebook Clicks as Evidence of Hate

The FBI is investigating whether Richard Collins III's murder was a hate crime. Would membership in a racist Facebook group hold up in court as evidence? The post A Campus Murder Tests Facebook Clicks as Evidence of Hate appeared first on WIRED .

The US Isn’t Great at Meteorology. Under Trump, It May Get Worse

As the White House considers budget slashes and new leadership for NOAA, scientists worry our weather predictions will get even worse. The post The US Isn’t Great at Meteorology. Under Trump, It May Get Worse appeared first on WIRED .