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Showing posts from November 21, 2016

Dave Chappelle Is Releasing 3 Comedy Specials on Netflix

The comeback continues. The post Dave Chappelle Is Releasing 3 Comedy Specials on Netflix appeared first on WIRED .

Cities After Dark Create Their Own Starry Nights

Clarissa Bonet finds a cosmic beauty in the builtscape. The post Cities After Dark Create Their Own Starry Nights appeared first on WIRED .

The Feds Finally Make Safety Rules for High Speed Rail

And it's good news for anyone hoping to hop a bullet train. The post The Feds Finally Make Safety Rules for High Speed Rail appeared first on WIRED .

Uber Wants To Make Drivers’ Jobs Easier With ‘Compliments’

It starts with a simple way to say thanks for a job well done. It could end with a complete shift in how riders and drivers interact. The post Uber Wants To Make Drivers' Jobs Easier With ‘Compliments' appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED Pilot Program: Search Party

A dark comedy about four narcissistic twentysomethings searching for a missing person—when they're not too busy searching for themselves. The post WIRED Pilot Program: Search Party appeared first on WIRED .

The Coati Is Part Raccoon, Part Monkey, and Part Pig

If the coati had a rich internal life, it would probably be having a major identity crisis. The post The Coati Is Part Raccoon, Part Monkey, and Part Pig appeared first on WIRED .

South American Volcanoes Let Off Some Spectacular Ash Puffs

Two South American volcanoes have some of the largest explosions they have experienced all year. The post South American Volcanoes Let Off Some Spectacular Ash Puffs appeared first on WIRED .

Your 5 Podcasts For Surviving Thanksgiving With Family

Tune out the uncomfortable dinner-table conversations this Thanksgiving with some audio Ativan. The post Your 5 Podcasts For Surviving Thanksgiving With Family appeared first on WIRED .

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Are Remaking Themselves Around AI

Artificial intelligence is not only reshaping the technology these tech giants use but how they organize and operate their businesses. The post Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Are Remaking Themselves Around AI appeared first on WIRED .

Your Office Has a Microbiome, and It Might Make You Sick

Our modern energy-efficient buildings might be driving beneficial bacteria out of our lives. The post Your Office Has a Microbiome, and It Might Make You Sick appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Nerf N-Strike Elite Terrascout Remote Control Drone Blaster

Terrorize your children and pets with Nerf's rolling commando tank. The post Review: Nerf N-Strike Elite Terrascout Remote Control Drone Blaster appeared first on WIRED .

Sleep Tight in a Smartly Designed Microhotel

In stylish new microhotels, architects deploy tech and minimalist design to fold a lot of amenities into small spaces. The post Sleep Tight in a Smartly Designed Microhotel appeared first on WIRED .

The Plane Truth: Private Jet Vs. Commercial Airliner

As the Gulfstream set gets sweeter amenities, some of those perks do trickle down to us peons smooshed in row 97. The post The Plane Truth: Private Jet Vs. Commercial Airliner appeared first on WIRED .

6 Must-Have Apps for the Worldly Traveler

A few key apps like Uber, Google Trips, and Google Translate will smooth out of any itinerary. But for a real power-up, try these ninja-level favorites. The post 6 Must-Have Apps for the Worldly Traveler appeared first on WIRED .

7 Vehicles—and Fellow Passengers—of the Future

Better methods of travel will emerge soon. But no matter the vehicle's greatness, you'll still have to battle seatmates for total armrest domination. The post 7 Vehicles—and Fellow Passengers—of the Future appeared first on WIRED .

How to Use Google Maps to Plan an Awesome Vacation

With a custom Google Map, you can compile tips and recommendations from friends into a handy guide that will make you feel like a local. The post How to Use Google Maps to Plan an Awesome Vacation appeared first on WIRED .

Follow the Robot in the Airport of the Future

We searched terminals around the world for the smartest innovations and mashed them all into one. The post Follow the Robot in the Airport of the Future appeared first on WIRED .

Like. Visit. Post. Repeat. Travel the Instagram Way!

Thanks to Instagram, every jaw-dropping vista on the planet is just a hashtag away. The post Like. Visit. Post. Repeat. Travel the Instagram Way! appeared first on WIRED .

Why the Layover Is the New Vacation

Airlines are now offering free extended stopovers on the way to many popular destinations, and it's making the stopover locales a destination in themselves. The post Why the Layover Is the New Vacation appeared first on WIRED .

Essential Travel Gear for the Frequent Flier

In 10 years (or 110) you'll just teleport everywhere. But for now, you need good gear to make your trip a treat. The post Essential Travel Gear for the Frequent Flier appeared first on WIRED .

Cantina Talk: Wait, Han and Leia Did What?!

There are a few interesting pieces of Star Wars news this week. But you're probably here for that Carrie Fisher/Harrison Ford story, huh? The post Cantina Talk: Wait, Han and Leia Did What?! appeared first on WIRED .