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Showing posts from April 6, 2017

Sorry, But if You’re Married, Browsing Tinder Totally Makes You a Snake

More specifically, it makes you an invasive species. The post Sorry, But if You're Married, Browsing Tinder Totally Makes You a Snake appeared first on WIRED .

Oh Great. Climate Change Will Make Flying Worse, Too

Buckle up. Things are about to get a whole lot bumpier. The post Oh Great. Climate Change Will Make Flying Worse, Too appeared first on WIRED .

Science Reveals Yet Another Reason Octopuses and Squid Are So Weird

Squid, octopuses and cuttlefish favor modifying their proteins in a way that slows down normal evolution. The post Science Reveals Yet Another Reason Octopuses and Squid Are So Weird appeared first on WIRED .

Devin Nunes: A Running Timeline of His Surveillance Claims and White House Ties

The House Intelligence Committee chair has had himself quite a week. The post Devin Nunes: A Running Timeline of His Surveillance Claims and White House Ties appeared first on WIRED .

The Aviation Industry Finally Discovers Silicon Valley

To move into the future, planemakers and airlines look to California. The post The Aviation Industry Finally Discovers Silicon Valley appeared first on WIRED .

Facebook’s New Plan May Curb Revenge Porn, But Won’t Kill It

The only way to eradicate revenge porn is to catch it before it's posted—this is a good first step, though. The post Facebook’s New Plan May Curb Revenge Porn, But Won't Kill It appeared first on WIRED .

The Lovely British Scenery Where the Plague and Anthrax Once Rained

The landscape looks perfectly ordinary, but it holds a sinister secret. The post The Lovely British Scenery Where the Plague and Anthrax Once Rained appeared first on WIRED .

Cities Crave Hyperloop Because It’s Shiny—and Talk Is Cheap

The scope and intractability of America's infrastructure problem makes the siren song of the hyperloop extra alluring. The post Cities Crave Hyperloop Because It’s Shiny—and Talk Is Cheap appeared first on WIRED .

Total-Takeover iPhone Spyware Lurks on Android, Too

A version of the nation-state favorite Pegasus software researchers found on iOS officially hit Android as well. The post Total-Takeover iPhone Spyware Lurks on Android, Too appeared first on WIRED .

Lightform: The Magical Little Device That Transforms Whole Rooms Into Screens

A new computer from Microsoft and Disney alums aims to make projected augmented reality simple to use. The post Lightform: The Magical Little Device That Transforms Whole Rooms Into Screens appeared first on WIRED .

Our 15 Favorite Wireless Headphones, From Bose to Beats

Looking to buy some wireless headphones? These ones will make you forget all about the headphone jack. The post Our 15 Favorite Wireless Headphones, From Bose to Beats appeared first on WIRED .

The Hidden, Wildly NSFW Scandal of the Hugo Nominations

The ballot-box stuffing of the speculative fiction awards continues, as evinced by a self-published erotica author with a curious pen name. The post The Hidden, Wildly NSFW Scandal of the Hugo Nominations appeared first on WIRED .

Arduino’s New CEO, Federico Musto, May Have Fabricated His Academic Record

WIRED has learned that the new CEO, who holds a 50 percent stake in the brand, appears to have bolstered his reputation with credentials he didn't earn. The post Arduino’s New CEO, Federico Musto, May Have Fabricated His Academic Record appeared first on WIRED .

After 4 Years, Seattle’s Giant Tunneling Machine Finally Breaks Through

After four years underground, Bertha reaches daylight. The post After 4 Years, Seattle's Giant Tunneling Machine Finally Breaks Through appeared first on WIRED .

Creating Zika-Proof Mosquitoes Means Rigging Natural Selection

Gene drives, powered by Crispr, promise to wipe out mosquito-borne diseases. But first they'll have to beat nature at her own game: evolution. The post Creating Zika-Proof Mosquitoes Means Rigging Natural Selection appeared first on WIRED .

Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner Ad Was So Awful It Did the Impossible: It United the Internet

The online response to the soda company's now-pulled marketing video was surprisingly refreshing. The post Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner Ad Was So Awful It Did the Impossible: It United the Internet appeared first on WIRED .