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Showing posts from January 17, 2017

Santa Clarita Diet Trailer: Drew Barrymore Is a Funny Zombie

Eat your heart out, other zombie comedies. The post Santa Clarita Diet Trailer: Drew Barrymore Is a Funny Zombie appeared first on WIRED .

Evernote’s New App Is More Than an Update—It’s a Reboot

A note-taking company is trying to become something much bigger and more powerful. The post Evernote's New App Is More Than an Update—It's a Reboot appeared first on WIRED .

One Indian State’s Grand Plan to Get 23M People Online

The state of Telangana is doing something unprecedented in India: Bringing broadband internet to every home in the region. The post One Indian State’s Grand Plan to Get 23M People Online appeared first on WIRED .

The Man in the Zebra Suit Knows the Secret of the Stripes

Tim Caro has spent 20 years trying to figure out why zebras have stripes. And he finally has an answer. The post The Man in the Zebra Suit Knows the Secret of the Stripes appeared first on WIRED .

Tech’s Favorite School Faces Its Biggest Test: the Real World

Personalized learning has taken off in high-powered charter schools. Now proponents are faced with figuring out how to make it work for everyone. The post Tech's Favorite School Faces Its Biggest Test: the Real World appeared first on WIRED .

Norway’s Reindeer Police Are Here to Save the Day

Meet the people who follow around reindeer all day. Yes really. The post Norway’s Reindeer Police Are Here to Save the Day appeared first on WIRED .

Darpa’s Off-Roaders Ditch Windows for a Digital World View

The inside of the tank of the future will feel a lot more like a video game. The post Darpa's Off-Roaders Ditch Windows for a Digital World View appeared first on WIRED .

How a Mere Prick of the Finger Can Diagnose a Concussion

Recognizing mild concussions is crucial for preventing deaths, and now there's a way to do that more accurately than ever before, with your blood. The post How a Mere Prick of the Finger Can Diagnose a Concussion appeared first on WIRED .