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Showing posts from November 11, 2016

Trump’s Presidency Could Upend the Way Silicon Valley Works

Silicon Valley leaders rejected Donald Trump's candidacy. Now they're struggling to come to terms with what his presidency will mean for their industry. The post Trump's Presidency Could Upend the Way Silicon Valley Works appeared first on WIRED .

The Latest Rogue One Trailer Offers Up an X-Wing Dogfight

Help us, Rogue-y One Kenobi. You're our only hope. The post The Latest Rogue One Trailer Offers Up an X-Wing Dogfight appeared first on WIRED .

Satire Didn’t Change Anything, But Now It’s All We’ve Got

Dave Chappelle's hosting gig on 'Saturday Night Live' is going to matter very, very deeply ... until, of course, it doesn't matter at all. The post Satire Didn't Change Anything, But Now It's All We've Got appeared first on WIRED .

Maybe Quicksilver Doesn’t Have Super-Speed—He Might Warp Time

In X-Men Apocalypse, we once again see Quicksilver running at super fast speeds. Here is an estimate of his speed based on one scene. The post Maybe Quicksilver Doesn't Have Super-Speed—He Might Warp Time appeared first on WIRED .

Allen Institute for AI Eyes the Future of Scientific Search

A new search engine called Semantic Scholar helps academics deal with the increasingly enormous volume of academic research. The post Allen Institute for AI Eyes the Future of Scientific Search appeared first on WIRED .

To Build A Viable HIV Vaccine, Start from the Molecule Up

New technology is changing the way vaccines get made, and HIV researchers are leading the way. The post To Build A Viable HIV Vaccine, Start from the Molecule Up appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Atomic Beam USA Tactical Flashlight

The 6.5-ounce, super-bright flashlight is pocketable and crafted with an all-aluminum shell. The post Review: Atomic Beam USA Tactical Flashlight appeared first on WIRED .

Pug Owners and Redheads Unite! Online Groups Meet IRL

Nothing's weird anymore. Thanks, Internet. The post Pug Owners and Redheads Unite! Online Groups Meet IRL appeared first on WIRED .

The Art of Perfectly Reviving Decades-Old Land Cruisers

The FJ Company turns aging Toyotas into modern-day beauties. The post The Art of Perfectly Reviving Decades-Old Land Cruisers appeared first on WIRED .

In Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Space Isn’t an Escape

The juggernaut franchise goes to space to escape the anxieties of the modern world. It doesn't succeed. The post In Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare , Space Isn't an Escape appeared first on WIRED .

La Niña Will Hang Out Until January—February Tops

The National Weather Service just updated its prediction for the global weather-influencing climate event. The post La Niña Will Hang Out Until January—February Tops appeared first on WIRED .

Arrival Is a Great Sci-Fi Movie—and an Even Better Election Allegory

A super-competent woman brokers communication while fearful men around her rush to frame the unknown as enemies. Sound familiar? The post Arrival Is a Great Sci-Fi Movie—and an Even Better Election Allegory appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Mass Fidelity Core

The little six-inch speaker uses wave field synthesis to produce a much larger soundstage. The post Review: Mass Fidelity Core appeared first on WIRED .

Think National Security Is Complicated Now? Wait Until Trump Gets Started

President Obama will leave behind wars in Iraq and Syria, a nuclear deal with Iran, a network of alliances to manage, and big spending decisions. In each case, Trump appears geared for a radical departure from his predecessor. The post Think National Security Is Complicated Now? Wait Until Trump Gets Started appeared first on WIRED .

Despite Trump Fears, Snowden Sees a Hopeful Future

The NSA whistleblower addressed the fate of surveillance---and himself---under President Trump. The post Despite Trump Fears, Snowden Sees a Hopeful Future appeared first on WIRED .

The Critical Role of Self-Care for Handling Post-Election Stress

The 2016 election has unleashed a wave of strong, difficult emotions, especially among those on the losing side. The post The Critical Role of Self-Care for Handling Post-Election Stress appeared first on WIRED .

Trust the Force: Watch the New Rogue One Trailer Now

"Rebellions are built on hope." The post Trust the Force: Watch the New Rogue One Trailer Now appeared first on WIRED .

Snowden’s Speaking Today About Trump and Privacy. Here’s How to Watch

If anyone knows what a Trump presidency means for surveillance, it's Edward Snowden. The post Snowden's Speaking Today About Trump and Privacy. Here's How to Watch appeared first on WIRED .