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Showing posts from December 15, 2016

Here’s Why LaCroix Is So Addictive

It's not an accident. The post Here's Why LaCroix Is So Addictive appeared first on WIRED .

Bonobo’s Haunting Video for ‘Break Apart’ Explores a Martian Landscape

"Break Apart" was shot in the Mojave Desert, but it looks more like an otherworldly landscape mixed with cinematography from <em>Thelma and Louise</em>. The post Bonobo’s Haunting Video for ‘Break Apart’ Explores a Martian Landscape appeared first on WIRED .

The UN’s New VR Doc Exposes a Forgotten Crisis

'Ground Beneath Her' is about a young woman helping her family rebuild after Nepal's 2015 earthquake. The post The UN's New VR Doc Exposes a Forgotten Crisis appeared first on WIRED .

Genos Will Sequence Your Genes—And Help You Sell Them to Science

With promises of unprecedented levels of data ownership, one genetic testing company is betting on the power of the patient to find tomorrow's cures. The post Genos Will Sequence Your Genes—And Help You Sell Them to Science appeared first on WIRED .

7 Surprising Insights Into Super Mario Run, Straight From Shigeru Miyamoto

The idea for Nintendo's first iPhone action game started on Wii—and was inspired by YouTube speedrunners. The post 7 Surprising Insights Into Super Mario Run , Straight From Shigeru Miyamoto appeared first on WIRED .

Rogue One Relatives: 10 More Star Wars Standalone Movies Disney Should Make

Here are our best ideas for Star Wars stories based on unexplained references, subplots, and throwaway lines of dialog from the existing movies. The post Rogue One Relatives: 10 More Star Wars Standalone Movies Disney Should Make appeared first on WIRED .

Cape Watch: A Harley Quinn Posse Flick Is Imminent

It's an all-female supervillain team movie-and it sounds awesome. Mostly. The post Cape Watch: A Harley Quinn Posse Flick Is Imminent appeared first on WIRED .

London’s New Way to Count Tube Riders? Tracking Their Phones

London's watching riders in a bid to improve service. The post London's New Way to Count Tube Riders? Tracking Their Phones appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED DesignLife

187 Essential Goods: The Ultimate Style Guide for Gadgets and Gear The post WIRED DesignLife appeared first on WIRED .

The Rogue One Cast Is Here to Answer Your Burning Questions

We still don't know where Ben Mendelsohn parked the Death Star, but some things are meant to remain mysteries. The post The Rogue One Cast Is Here to Answer Your Burning Questions appeared first on WIRED .

“Secure the News” Grades Media Sites on HTTPS—And Most Fail

A new service shows just how secure news sites are. Spoiler: Most of them aren't. The post "Secure the News" Grades Media Sites on HTTPS---And Most Fail appeared first on WIRED .

Nations Be Damned, the World’s Cities Can Take a Big Bite Out of Emissions

Regardless of what their home nations are doing, international cities are fighting against climate change. The post Nations Be Damned, the World's Cities Can Take a Big Bite Out of Emissions appeared first on WIRED .

Fake News Will Go Away if the Tech Behind the Ads Won’t Pay

Fake news may be a scourge, and hardline sites love to court controversy. But online publishing is still just a business. The post Fake News Will Go Away if the Tech Behind the Ads Won't Pay appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Lexar JumpDrive C20i Flash Drive

Lexar's JumpDrives are small USB storage devices that also plug into your mobile device. The post Review: Lexar JumpDrive C20i Flash Drive appeared first on WIRED .

12 Purrfect Gift Ideas for the Cat-Lover on Your List

Here's a selection of items for that feline fancier that would make perfect holiday gifts. The cats might even like them too. The post 12 Purrfect Gift Ideas for the Cat-Lover on Your List appeared first on WIRED .

$1,500 ‘Plum Wine’ Gizmo Opens, Preserves, and Dispenses Your Vino

If you want to have just one glass of Petrus without oxidizing the whole bottle, this gadget is for you. The post $1,500 ‘Plum Wine’ Gizmo Opens, Preserves, and Dispenses Your Vino appeared first on WIRED .

Forget Hallmark. Vintage Holiday Cards Are Where It’s At

Graphic designers sure know how to make a holiday card The post Forget Hallmark. Vintage Holiday Cards Are Where It’s At appeared first on WIRED .

Hack Brief: Hackers Breach a Billion Yahoo Accounts. A Billion

OK, this is officially a hot mess. The post Hack Brief: Hackers Breach a Billion Yahoo Accounts. A Billion appeared first on WIRED .

So Uber’s Self-Driving Car Ran a Red Light in San Francisco

Uber's self-driving car ran a red light in San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood. The post So Uber's Self-Driving Car Ran a Red Light in San Francisco appeared first on WIRED .

The US Doesn’t Want Drone Deliveries—So Amazon Took Them to England

As Amazon takes off in the UK, strict rules bar similar moves in American skies. The post The US Doesn't Want Drone Deliveries---So Amazon Took Them to England appeared first on WIRED .

A Legal Loophole Lets Uber Test Self-Driving Cars in California

Uber's self-driving cars are cruising San Francisco, while regulators protest they have no right to do so. The post A Legal Loophole Lets Uber Test Self-Driving Cars in California appeared first on WIRED .

Trump Is Meeting With Tech CEOs, and It’s Gonna Be Awkward

The meeting is the first Trump has taken with a group of executives from a single industry—an industry with which he was constantly at odds throughout his campaign. The post Trump Is Meeting With Tech CEOs, and It's Gonna Be Awkward appeared first on WIRED .

You Know What? 2016 Was a Pretty Great Year for Pop Culture

This week on the WIRED Culture podcast we're looking back at the year that was. The post You Know What? 2016 Was a Pretty Great Year for Pop Culture appeared first on WIRED .

Think You’re Enlightened? Try Eating With Your In-Laws

A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that drawing attention to your feelings---mindfulness---can make them easier to manage. The post Think You're Enlightened? Try Eating With Your In-Laws appeared first on WIRED .

How A Monster Calls Turned Liam Neeson Into a Giant Tree

The Oscar-nominated actor gave his first motion-capture performance for director J.A. Bayona's new movie. The post How A Monster Calls Turned Liam Neeson Into a Giant Tree appeared first on WIRED .