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Showing posts from May 11, 2017

Microsoft Shows Off Its Own Super-Sensing VR Controller

You'll be able to buy Microsoft's new controller this holiday season. The post Microsoft Shows Off Its Own Super-Sensing VR Controller appeared first on WIRED .

Microsoft Makes Windows Play Nice With All Your Other Gadgets

With its next update, Microsoft's focusing on making Windows 10 a more functional part of your entire gadget ecosystem. The post Microsoft Makes Windows Play Nice With All Your Other Gadgets appeared first on WIRED .

The Traditional Lecture Is Dead. I Would Know—I’m a Professor

An awesome science show from the 80s makes it to YouTube, and it shows just how pointless the traditional lecture is. The post The Traditional Lecture Is Dead. I Would Know—I’m a Professor appeared first on WIRED .

Doppler’s Wireless Earbuds Now Detect and Destroy the Clamor Around You

Ear-computers are now one step closer to controlling everything in your world. The post Doppler's Wireless Earbuds Now Detect and Destroy the Clamor Around You appeared first on WIRED .

An Electric Shock Could Keep Patients From Bleeding Out

Researchers in the field of bioelectronic medicine are developing a neural tourniquet to supercharge the body's ability to stop bleeding with just a few zaps. The post An Electric Shock Could Keep Patients From Bleeding Out appeared first on WIRED .

Bad News for Everyone! The 2020 Census Is Already in Trouble

Getting a good count matters, if you care about things like how people live and move. The post Bad News for Everyone! The 2020 Census Is Already in Trouble appeared first on WIRED .

Crispr Makes It Clear: The US Needs a Biology Strategy, and Fast

Opinion: Crispr and other gene-editing technologies may affect the future of all life on the planet. The government isn't prepared. The post Crispr Makes It Clear: The US Needs a Biology Strategy, and Fast appeared first on WIRED .

Chemists Are One Step Closer to Manipulating All Matter

Scientists want to control individual molecules so precisely they could snap them together like Lego pieces. Now they're a little bit closer. The post Chemists Are One Step Closer to Manipulating All Matter appeared first on WIRED .

A Supercharged Sensor That Could Soon Make Homes Scary-Smart

University researchers create a simple device that plugs into an electrical outlet and connects everything in the room. The post A Supercharged Sensor That Could Soon Make Homes Scary-Smart appeared first on WIRED .

A Rare Look at the Archives of the German Secret Police

Long before election hacks and Wikileaks, the Stasi spied on millions. The post A Rare Look at the Archives of the German Secret Police appeared first on WIRED .

Yes, Videogames Are Serious Art. This Guy’s Career Proves It

In Tim Schafer's world, videogames are a form of personal expression for both the creator and player. The post Yes, Videogames Are Serious Art. This Guy's Career Proves It appeared first on WIRED .

Using AI to Detect Cancer, Not Just Cats

Neural networks are great at recognizing faces and objects in photos. Now they're being deployed to similarly identify signs of disease and illness. The post Using AI to Detect Cancer, Not Just Cats appeared first on WIRED .

Handmaid’s Tale: Either You Break the Rules, or They Break You

To endure an oppressive regime, you don't just have to break the rules, you have to know how to break them. The post Handmaid's Tale : Either You Break the Rules, or They Break You appeared first on WIRED .

Liveblog: All the News From Day Two of Microsoft’s Dev Bash

Microsoft's yearly Build developer conference continues today, May 11, with an announcement-packed keynote address. The post Liveblog: All the News From Day Two of Microsoft's Dev Bash appeared first on WIRED .

The Urgent Challenge of Replacing Comey Amid a Firestorm

The contentious firing of James Comey will make finding a replacement the Senate can stomach particularly hard. The post The Urgent Challenge of Replacing Comey Amid a Firestorm appeared first on WIRED .

Snap Blows First Earnings—But That’s Not the Whole Story

Snap's long-term potential won't be the story many investors will want to hear after these dismal numbers. But it's still like no other company. The post Snap Blows First Earnings—But That's Not the Whole Story appeared first on WIRED .

Why Firing Comey Only Amplified Trump’s Russia Problem

The more the Trump administration seems to obscure the Russia investigation, the more the good people of the internet pay attention. The post Why Firing Comey Only Amplified Trump's Russia Problem appeared first on WIRED .