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Showing posts from May 4, 2017

Apple’s Billion-Dollar Investment Provides a Blueprint for US Manufacturing

By focusing on advanced manufacturing, Apple's putting a billion dollars into the future of manufacturing, not the past. The post Apple's Billion-Dollar Investment Provides a Blueprint for US Manufacturing appeared first on WIRED .

US Sanctions Didn’t Stop Russia’s Election Hacking—Or Even Slow It Down

The Fancy Bear group's continued attacks on electoral campaigns shows how easily the Kremlin brushed off Obama's sanctions. The post US Sanctions Didn't Stop Russia's Election Hacking---Or Even Slow It Down appeared first on WIRED .

Handmaid’s Tale: Revolutions Start With Graffiti and Food

There's surprising strength in appearing to play along. Remember: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. The post Handmaid's Tale : Revolutions Start With Graffiti and Food appeared first on WIRED .

Silicon Valley’s Mission to Save California Ag From Dying of Thirst

As climate change continues tightening the state's water supply, farmers will have to become more calculating. The post Silicon Valley’s Mission to Save California Ag From Dying of Thirst appeared first on WIRED .

Blame the Fyre Festival Fiasco on the Plague of Celebrity Influencers

The Fyre Festival fiasco is a good reminder why celebrities should make it clear when they're paid to endorse products or services. The post Blame the Fyre Festival Fiasco on the Plague of Celebrity Influencers appeared first on WIRED .

How to Bring Satellite Data Back Down to Earth

Companies are deploying tons of tiny satellites to collect terabytes of data. But they have to bring all that data down somehow—and they can't do it alone. The post How to Bring Satellite Data Back Down to Earth appeared first on WIRED .

Luke, the Jedi Shouldn’t End. They Just Need Workers’ Comp

And other policy recommendations so that the order can evolve instead of just dying out. The post Luke, the Jedi Shouldn’t End. They Just Need Workers' Comp appeared first on WIRED .

America’s Obscene Wealth, in Pictures

Lauren Greenfield has dedicated her career to documenting what she calls "the influence of affluence." The post America’s Obscene Wealth, in Pictures appeared first on WIRED .

Want to Start Riding Your Bike to Work? Get This Gear

Whether you're new to commuting or just want to ride more, these practical accessories will make it easier. The post Want to Start Riding Your Bike to Work? Get This Gear appeared first on WIRED .

Airbnb’s San Francisco Deal Puts Storyline Over Bottom Line

In San Francisco, Airbnb became a prime target of the anti-tech backlash. As it approaches a possible IPO, it would like to be seen as a good neighbor. The post Airbnb's San Francisco Deal Puts Storyline Over Bottom Line appeared first on WIRED .

How Artists Engineer Their Work to Mess With Our Minds

The most compelling visual artists are tech innovators, using advanced materials, industrial design, and clever light manipulation to trick your brain. The post How Artists Engineer Their Work to Mess With Our Minds appeared first on WIRED .

With the Model 3 Coming, Tesla Grapples With Quality Control

And Musk's newer customers may not be so forgiving. The post With the Model 3 Coming, Tesla Grapples With Quality Control appeared first on WIRED .

In Which We Literally Calculate the Power of the Force

Darth Vader uses the Force to move a rebel soldier. What kind of physics power output does this motion require? The post In Which We Literally Calculate the Power of the Force appeared first on WIRED .

Judge in Waymo Dispute Lets Uber’s Self-Driving Program Live—for Now

The self-driving car battle enters its papers-and-lawyers phase. The post Judge in Waymo Dispute Lets Uber's Self-Driving Program Live---for Now appeared first on WIRED .

If You Want to Like The Dark Tower, Reset Your Expectations

The sprawling fantasy epic adaptation may well be a movie folks like. But it won't be the movie they need. The post If You Want to Like The Dark Tower, Reset Your Expectations appeared first on WIRED .

The One Hire Facebook Really Needs to Make to Curb Violence

By involving ethicists and social scientists in its product-building process, Facebook could better anticipate problems before they fester. The post The One Hire Facebook Really Needs to Make to Curb Violence appeared first on WIRED .

Don’t Open That Google Doc Unless You’re Positive It’s Legit

A sneaky new phishing scam has taken Gmail inboxes by storm. The post Don't Open That Google Doc Unless You're Positive It's Legit appeared first on WIRED .

Want a True Bionic Limb? Good Luck Without Machine Learning

Conscious thought is holding back the cyborg revolution. Which is why the next generation of prosthetics will use computer vision and neural nets instead. The post Want a True Bionic Limb? Good Luck Without Machine Learning appeared first on WIRED .

RIP A Look at the Tumultuous Life of a Web Legend was one of the biggest and oldest web sites on the internet. Then, it died. Why? The post RIP A Look at the Tumultuous Life of a Web Legend appeared first on WIRED .