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Showing posts from February 4, 2017

Let’s Go Back to a Future Where Sci-Fi Does Good Time Travel

The concept of time travel is actually much newer than you might expect. The post Let's Go Back to a Future Where Sci-Fi Does Good Time Travel appeared first on WIRED .

Security News This Week: Hackers Play Anti-Trump Song on Local Radio Stations Across the US

Each weekend we round up the news stories that we didn't break or cover in depth but that still deserve your attention. The post Security News This Week: Hackers Play Anti-Trump Song on Local Radio Stations Across the US appeared first on WIRED .

Neo-Nazis Face a New Foe Online and IRL: the Far-Left Antifa

In the Great Meme War, it's troll vs. troll. The post Neo-Nazis Face a New Foe Online and IRL: the Far-Left Antifa appeared first on WIRED .

How Military Pilots Keep Rogue Planes Out of No-Fly Zones

And how to keep them from hitting you with a missile. The post How Military Pilots Keep Rogue Planes Out of No-Fly Zones appeared first on WIRED .

Space Photos of the Week: Rotten Egg Nebula Makes a Stanky Mess

Space photos of the week, January 29 — February 4, 2017. The post Space Photos of the Week: Rotten Egg Nebula Makes a Stanky Mess appeared first on WIRED .

The FCC OKs Streaming for Free—But Net Neutrality Will Pay

Zero-rating lets internet and wireless providers exempt certain apps from counting towards your data. And the new GOP-controlled FCC says free is fine. The post The FCC OKs Streaming for Free—But Net Neutrality Will Pay appeared first on WIRED .

What Time Is the Super Bowl On

Super Bowl weekend is upon us. This week, the crew tackles the topic of sports on TV, on the internet, and in person. The post What Time Is the Super Bowl On appeared first on WIRED .

Trump’s Gifts to Wall Street Threaten Retirees—and Robots

Retirees who lost big in the 2008 financial crisis have good reason to worry about Trump's new rollbacks of Wall Street regulations. So do the robots. The post Trump's Gifts to Wall Street Threaten Retirees—and Robots appeared first on WIRED .

In Silicon Valley Vs. Trump, Tech Workers Wield the Real Power

If their CEO doesn't stand up aggressively to Trump, they can always go work for a CEO who does. The post In Silicon Valley Vs. Trump, Tech Workers Wield the Real Power appeared first on WIRED .

Tinder for Apes, and the Week’s Other Unsettling Developments

We're proud to bring NextDraft—the most righteous, most essential newsletter on the web—to The post Tinder for Apes, and the Week's Other Unsettling Developments appeared first on WIRED .