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Showing posts from October 6, 2016

So. About That Title for the Blade Runner Sequel…

Director Denis Villeneuve's continuation of the Ridley Scott classic hits theaters October 2017. And now we know what it's called. The post So. About That Title for the Blade Runner Sequel… appeared first on WIRED .

Cape Watch: Now This Is How You Make a Thor Movie

New rumors about director Taika Waititi's Thor movie make it sound much different than fans expected. Also, Batman is totally a Deathstroke fanboy. The post Cape Watch: Now This Is How You Make a Thor Movie appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED Book Club: We’re Going to Read a Trilogy in a Month and You Can’t Stop Us

If there's one trilogy we could possibly get through in a single month, it's Jeff VanderMeer's 'Southern Reach' series. The post WIRED Book Club: We’re Going to Read a Trilogy in a Month and You Can’t Stop Us appeared first on WIRED .

Let’s Put the Water Back on Top of Antarctica

How much energy would it require to move 1 meter depth of water from the ocean to the top of the Antarctica ice sheet? The post Let's Put the Water Back on Top of Antarctica appeared first on WIRED .

American Schools Struggle to Keep Online Fights From Turning Physical

With the help of social media, virtual fights turn physical in American schools. The post American Schools Struggle to Keep Online Fights From Turning Physical appeared first on WIRED .

Inside the 737 Test Plane That Boeing Beats the Bejesus Out Of

Before airlines can cram you into the new 737 MAX, Boeing's got to prove it's airworthy in just about any situation. The post Inside the 737 Test Plane That Boeing Beats the Bejesus Out Of appeared first on WIRED .

Afghanistan’s Got Karoake Bars and Bowling Alleys Galore

Even in a country plagued by war for the past 30 years, people still want to have fun. The post Afghanistan’s Got Karoake Bars and Bowling Alleys Galore appeared first on WIRED .

Why It’s So Hard to Get Solar in Florida (That’d Be the Sunshine State)

To make solar panels affordable, many rooftop solar users sell excess electricity back onto the grid. But not all states allow for that. The post Why It’s So Hard to Get Solar in Florida (That’d Be the Sunshine State) appeared first on WIRED .

The Earth and I: A Gorgeous Picture Book From Famed Scientist James Lovelock

James Lovelock, environmental guru and creator of Gaia theory, has a new book out. Consider it an illustrated guide to how the world works. The post The Earth and I : A Gorgeous Picture Book From Famed Scientist James Lovelock appeared first on WIRED .

This New Form of Parking Enforcement Sucks. Like, Actually Sucks

Imagine how you'd feel finding a six square foot block of yellow plastic splayed across your windshield, rendering it impossible to see a thing. The post This New Form of Parking Enforcement Sucks. Like, Actually Sucks appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED Book Club: Is Three-Body Problem’s Translation Better Than the Original?

This week, the WIRED Book Club spoke to the book's English translator to find out how he brought Liu Cixin's popular novel to a whole new audience. The post WIRED Book Club: Is Three-Body Problem’s Translation Better Than the Original? appeared first on WIRED .

KEF and Porsche Design Team Up to Build Seriously Stunning Audio Gear

They certainly aren't cheap, but KEF's new noise-cancelling headphones, Bluetooth speaker, and wireless earbuds should sound as gorgeous as they look. The post KEF and Porsche Design Team Up to Build Seriously Stunning Audio Gear appeared first on WIRED .

Gears of War 4 Might Feel Familiar, But It’s Still Refreshing

As a mega-hyped sequel, Gears of War 4 is forced to traverse a narrow line between complacency and innovation. While not perfect, it largely succeeds. The post Gears of War 4 Might Feel Familiar, But It's Still Refreshing appeared first on WIRED .

50 Years of Making Hydrogen Cars, and Still No One Cares

For all that time and money, the automaker has made effectively zero progress getting humanity to ditch fossil fuels for hydrogen. The post 50 Years of Making Hydrogen Cars, and Still No One Cares appeared first on WIRED .

Typographic Trickery Shifts a Font from Paper to Pixels

Ace typographer Tobias Frere-Jones brings Retina, his iconic typeface, from stock listings to phone screens. The post Typographic Trickery Shifts a Font from Paper to Pixels appeared first on WIRED .

Trust Us: Luke Cage and Westworld Are Better Off on TV

One started as a movie. The other started in comics. Have they both found the right medium with television? The post Trust Us: Luke Cage and Westworld Are Better Off on TV appeared first on WIRED .

Expect More Nasty Hurricanes Like Matthew as the Earth Warms

Scientists have pointed to Hurricane Matthew as the sort of fierce lashing that will become more common due to climate change. The post Expect More Nasty Hurricanes Like Matthew as the Earth Warms appeared first on WIRED .

Nanoscale Machines Snag the Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Little machines might someday be as ubiquitous as toasters and bikes. The post Nanoscale Machines Snag the Nobel Prize in Chemistry appeared first on WIRED .

All That New Google Hardware? It’s a Trojan Horse for AI

Five years ago, experts thought the phone would be the interface to everything. That's not the case anymore. The post All That New Google Hardware? It's a Trojan Horse for AI appeared first on WIRED .

NSA Contractor Arrested for Taking Top Secret Documents

Whether the alleged secret-stealer intended to be a whistleblower or a paid source of hacking tools, the breach is another embarrassment for the spy agency. The post NSA Contractor Arrested for Taking Top Secret Documents appeared first on WIRED .

Hack Brief: Hackers Breach BuzzFeed in Retaliation for Exposé

The hacking group OurMine defaced or removed multiple BuzzFeed articles including one published yesterday, which presented evidence that it is not a group but a single teenage hacker. The post Hack Brief: Hackers Breach BuzzFeed in Retaliation for Exposé appeared first on WIRED .

Blue Origin’s Escape Pod Worked, and, Bonus! The Rocket Didn’t Go Kaboom

Great success! The post Blue Origin’s Escape Pod Worked, and, Bonus! The Rocket Didn’t Go Kaboom appeared first on WIRED .

Amazon Adds Free Books to the Ever-Growing List of Prime Benefits

US Prime members can now get unlimited access to a rotating selection of reading materials. The post Amazon Adds Free Books to the Ever-Growing List of Prime Benefits appeared first on WIRED .

This Is the VP Debate Rapid Response Video You Saw Coming

Mike Pence's strategy during the VP debate? Deny, deny, deny. The post This Is the VP Debate Rapid Response Video You Saw Coming appeared first on WIRED .