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Showing posts from January 19, 2017

WIRED Book Club: We Have Wrapped Our Tentacles Around Binti

In Nnedi Okorafor's Hugo-winning novella, a young student confronts many-tentacled monsters—and it's not even her first day of school yet. The post WIRED Book Club: We Have Wrapped Our Tentacles Around Binti appeared first on WIRED .

Leica Debuts Its New M10 Camera and, Yep, It’s Gorgeous

The successor to the M only shoots stills, and you'll pay a lot for that red dot. The post Leica Debuts Its New M10 Camera and, Yep, It's Gorgeous appeared first on WIRED .

Neil Gaiman’s Very Necessary Apocalypse Comedy Good Omens Is Coming to Amazon

Welcome to the End Times. The post Neil Gaiman's Very Necessary Apocalypse Comedy Good Omens Is Coming to Amazon appeared first on WIRED .

13 Must-See Flicks Coming to Sundance This Year

These are the films coming to Park City, Utah that we're most psyched about. The post 13 Must-See Flicks Coming to Sundance This Year appeared first on WIRED .

The New Logan Trailer Plays (Violently) Against Type

The latest Wolverine movie is going to be unlike any superhero movie out there. The post The New Logan Trailer Plays (Violently) Against Type appeared first on WIRED .

Connected Devices Give Spies a Powerful New Way to Surveil

Opinion: A pair of Israeli security researchers argue that the advent of connected home devices presents a new opportunity for spy agencies. The post Connected Devices Give Spies a Powerful New Way to Surveil appeared first on WIRED .

Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump

The incoming Trump administration's EPA transition team intends to remove some climate data from the agency's website. These researchers are swooping in to help. The post Rogue Scientists Race to Save Climate Data from Trump appeared first on WIRED .

Slovakia’s Hyperloop Moves a Step Closer to Not Being a Joke

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies strikes a deal to explore extending its plans to the Czech Republic. The post Slovakia's Hyperloop Moves a Step Closer to Not Being a Joke appeared first on WIRED .

Fighting Cancer’s Crisis of Confidence, One Study at a Time

The Reproducibility Project announces its initial cancer study results today. The post Fighting Cancer's Crisis of Confidence, One Study at a Time appeared first on WIRED .

The Magnificent Refuges That Hide Humanity’s Information

What do data centers and monasteries have in common? Data storage apparently. The post The Magnificent Refuges That Hide Humanity’s Information appeared first on WIRED .

Now You Can Save the Democratic Party for the Low, Low Price of $4.68 a Month

On the eve of Trump's inauguration, Democrats are falling apart. For the price of a latte, one political techie thinks he can bring them back together. The post Now You Can Save the Democratic Party for the Low, Low Price of $4.68 a Month appeared first on WIRED .

The Touchy Task of Making Robots Seem Human—But Not Too Human

On the anthropomorphic spectrum, is there a sweet spot for robotic assistants? The post The Touchy Task of Making Robots Seem Human—But Not Too Human appeared first on WIRED .

A Wall Alone Can’t Secure the Border, No Matter Who Pays for It

Border patrol technology is the future whether Trump acknowledges that or not. The post A Wall Alone Can’t Secure the Border, No Matter Who Pays for It appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Yuneec Breeze 4K

With the new Breeze 4K, Yuneec has launched a drone made just for newcomers. The post Review: Yuneec Breeze 4K appeared first on WIRED .

3 Questions for Rick Perry, Trump’s Pick to Lead the Um… Um… Oh Yeah, the Department of Energy

Rick Perry once couldn't remember the name of the agency he's been nominated to lead. The post 3 Questions for Rick Perry, Trump's Pick to Lead the Um... Um... Oh Yeah, the Department of Energy appeared first on WIRED .

Inside the Weird, Industry-Shaking World of Donald Glover

Childish Gambino. Atlanta. Lando Calrissian. Glover has just about every performance space covered, and all his projects intersect in strange ways. The post Inside the Weird, Industry-Shaking World of Donald Glover appeared first on WIRED .

How to Watch Trump’s Presidential Inauguration

Here's how you can tune in for the first moments of Trump's presidency. The post How to Watch Trump's Presidential Inauguration appeared first on WIRED .

Fujifilm’s Excellent Digital Cameras Just Got Even Excellenter

Our favorite compact camera gets a little bump for 2017. The post Fujifilm's Excellent Digital Cameras Just Got Even Excellenter appeared first on WIRED .

3 Critical Questions Tom Price Didn’t Answer at the Health and Human Services Hearing

These are the important points to consider when Price faces his formal confirmation hearing on January 24. The post 3 Critical Questions Tom Price Didn't Answer at the Health and Human Services Hearing appeared first on WIRED .

It’s Time to Stand Up for the Climate—and for Civilization

Bill McKibben argues that protecting science's legacy of climate research is a matter of protecting civilization itself. The post It's Time to Stand Up for the Climate—and for Civilization appeared first on WIRED .

Finally, Miles Morales Will Get to Be a Big Screen Spider-Man

Step aside, Peter Parker. The post Finally, Miles Morales Will Get to Be a Big Screen Spider-Man appeared first on WIRED .

Out of Places to Stick Diamonds, Rolls-Royce Starts Infusing Cars With Gold

Built to ferry guests around Macau, these Phantoms are stuffed with Au. The post Out of Places to Stick Diamonds, Rolls-Royce Starts Infusing Cars With Gold appeared first on WIRED .

Nintendo Switch Ain’t for Mom and Pop—It’s for Die-Hard Fans

Nintendo is courting a new sort of player with its new hybrid console: the people who already like Nintendo. The post Nintendo Switch Ain’t for Mom and Pop—It’s for Die-Hard Fans appeared first on WIRED .

2016 Was the Hottest Year on Record, and Humans Are to Blame

2016 was the hottest year on record, setting a new high for the third year in a row, with scientists firmly putting the blame on human activities. The post 2016 Was the Hottest Year on Record, and Humans Are to Blame appeared first on WIRED .

Soft Robot Exosuits Will Give You Springier Steps

Rigid exoskeletons to help the movement-impaired heavy, and they have a hard time aligning with human joints. A soft robotic wearable could be the fix. The post Soft Robot Exosuits Will Give You Springier Steps appeared first on WIRED .

Slack’s New Threaded Messages Tame Your Meandering Chats

Finally. Slack has just released threaded messaging, a way to connect related messages within a chatroom. The post Slack's New Threaded Messages Tame Your Meandering Chats appeared first on WIRED .

What You Need to Know From Ryan Zinke’s Interior Secretary Hearing

With a history of voting to expand fossil fuel exploration on public lands and weakening regulations, Zinke curries no favor with environmentalists. The post What You Need to Know From Ryan Zinke's Interior Secretary Hearing appeared first on WIRED .

Stranded With a Million Dollars: How MTV Spied on Contestants for Real-Life Hunger Games

If you think this sounds like the Hunger Games, you're not alone there. The post Stranded With a Million Dollars : How MTV Spied on Contestants for Real-Life Hunger Games appeared first on WIRED .