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Showing posts from December 8, 2016

Become a Sneaky Urban Fox in This Entrancing 360-Degree Video

We all know by now what a fox says, thanks to a certain song we all by now have heard too many times. But have you ever wondered what a fox sees? The post Become a Sneaky Urban Fox in This Entrancing 360-Degree Video appeared first on WIRED .

Fellow Lawmakers: Let’s Read Real Science News, Not Breitbart

Opinion: Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) argues that her fellow members of Congress should rely on peer-reviewed science, not partisan news. The post Fellow Lawmakers: Let's Read Real Science News, Not Breitbart appeared first on WIRED .

Miss Sloane Clip: Meet Jessica Chastain’s Troublesome Pals

In her new movie, Jessica Chastain plays a lobbyist with questionable methods. Like, say, covert surveillance. The post Miss Sloane Clip: Meet Jessica Chastain's Troublesome Pals appeared first on WIRED .

NASA’s Power Supply Mistake on the ISS Was Totally Avoidable

Preventable oopses like the backwards installment of capacitors waste time, energy, and taxpayer dollars. The post NASA’s Power Supply Mistake on the ISS Was Totally Avoidable appeared first on WIRED .

The Electoral College Is Great for Whiter States, Lousy for Cities

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by millions, but later this month a few hundred people will elect Donald Trump president. The post The Electoral College Is Great for Whiter States, Lousy for Cities appeared first on WIRED .

Ignoring Fare Evaders Can Make Mass Transit Faster—And Richer

More and more cities are emphasizing ease of access over making every last rider pay. The post Ignoring Fare Evaders Can Make Mass Transit Faster—And Richer appeared first on WIRED .

An Ordinary-Looking Gym That’s Built to Survive a Tsunami

The building is fortified by steel and concrete. Perfect for a tsunami shelter, but overkill for a school gymnasium. So the architects made it kid-friendly. The post An Ordinary-Looking Gym That’s Built to Survive a Tsunami appeared first on WIRED .

Sorry, Donald Trump: Amazon Dominates, But It’s No Monopoly

During his campaign, Donald Trump threatened to sic antitrust regulators on Amazon. But Jeff Bezos should be all smiles: success is still legal. The post Sorry, Donald Trump: Amazon Dominates, But It's No Monopoly appeared first on WIRED .

Explore an Eerie Soviet Base at the Edge of the World

Photographer Andrey Shapran discovered abandoned planes and ships in near polar darkness. The post Explore an Eerie Soviet Base at the Edge of the World appeared first on WIRED .

The Future of Bitcoin Is Not as a Digital Currency

A major bitcoin exchange has decided to stop selling the digital currency that was supposed to transform money on the internet. So what happens next? The post The Future of Bitcoin Is Not as a Digital Currency appeared first on WIRED .

15 Gift Ideas for the Well-Dressed Woman

She owns it, and she lets you know it. Give her one of these gifts this holiday season. The post 15 Gift Ideas for the Well-Dressed Woman appeared first on WIRED .

Cape Watch: A Rocket-Groot Buddy Movie Needs to Happen ASAP

Vin Diesel thinks there's potential in Rocket and Groot getting their own movie. Seems legit. The post Cape Watch: A Rocket-Groot Buddy Movie Needs to Happen ASAP appeared first on WIRED .

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Lets Me Be Myself—Only Better

The game is a fever dream of fanservice, offering a chance to imagine yourself in its world of transformation. The post Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Lets Me Be Myself—Only Better appeared first on WIRED .

14 Gift Ideas for the Most Stylish Man at the Office

Everyone wishes they could dress as well as him. Let's make them more jealous. The post 14 Gift Ideas for the Most Stylish Man at the Office appeared first on WIRED .

SpaceX Says It’s Ready for Liftoff Again. The FAA Begs to Differ

An Federal Aviation Administration spokesman says the agency has not given SpaceX license to launch in early January. The post SpaceX Says It's Ready for Liftoff Again. The FAA Begs to Differ appeared first on WIRED .

The Election Is Over. The Probe Into Russian Hacks Shouldn’t Be

Two Congressmen are calling for a commission to investigate Russian political hacking. Cybersecurity experts are backing the idea. The post The Election Is Over. The Probe Into Russian Hacks Shouldn’t Be appeared first on WIRED .

Immerse Yourself in the Horror That Is an African Grassland at Night

Listen to the sounds of lions grumbling and hyenas cackling and elephants trampling, and appreciate that humans have removed themselves from the food chain. The post Immerse Yourself in the Horror That Is an African Grassland at Night appeared first on WIRED .

United Won’t Be the Last Airline to Charge for Overhead Bin Space

"One gets away with something and they all pile on." The post United Won't Be the Last Airline to Charge for Overhead Bin Space appeared first on WIRED .

The Plan to Remake the American Port With Better Data

The Port of LA is working with GE to make everything it does more efficient. The post The Plan to Remake the American Port With Better Data appeared first on WIRED .

Super-Hacker Builds Atari 2600 Emulator… In Minecraft?!

We still can't wrap our heads around how this guy is running the actual Atari version of <em>Donkey Kong</em> using only standard Minecraft blocks. The post Super-Hacker Builds Atari 2600 Emulator... In Minecraft ?! appeared first on WIRED .

Russia’s Space Program Is Blowing Up. So Are Its Rockets

The state of space science over there is nyet good. The post Russia's Space Program Is Blowing Up. So Are Its Rockets appeared first on WIRED .