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Showing posts from January 21, 2017

BrainDead Is the Perfect Show to Watch This Inauguration Weekend

CBS's screwball comedy just feels right. The post BrainDead Is the Perfect Show to Watch This Inauguration Weekend appeared first on WIRED .

Why Women (and Men) Are Marching Today, According to Twitter Data

An analysis of tweets based on 40 march-related keywords and hashtags reveals the topics marchers are prioritizing. The post Why Women (and Men) Are Marching Today, According to Twitter Data appeared first on WIRED .

11 Outrageously Fancy Cars You Can Buy This Weekend

Fire up your private jet and hustle down to Arizona. The post 11 Outrageously Fancy Cars You Can Buy This Weekend appeared first on WIRED .

Space Photos of the Week: A Pulsar Spins Right Round, Baby, Right Round

Space photos of the week, January 15—21, 2017. The post Space Photos of the Week: A Pulsar Spins Right Round, Baby, Right Round appeared first on WIRED .

Security News This Week: Unmasking the Master of That Web-Crippling Botnet

Each weekend we round up the news stories that we didn't break or cover in depth but that still deserve your attention. The post Security News This Week: Unmasking the Master of That Web-Crippling Botnet appeared first on WIRED .

How Use Social Media at a Protest Without Big Brother Snooping

Your Facebook and Twitter posts could be fueling government surveillance. That doesn't mean you should stop sharing, just try to be smart. The post How Use Social Media at a Protest Without Big Brother Snooping appeared first on WIRED .

Twitter Insists It Isn’t Making Everyone Follow @POTUS

CEO Jack Dorsey says it's a technical glitch and they're working on it. Really. The post Twitter Insists It Isn't Making Everyone Follow @POTUS appeared first on WIRED .

Trump Names Former Climate Scientist Erik Noble to NASA Advisory Role

Is this good news or bad? Unclear. The post Trump Names Former Climate Scientist Erik Noble to NASA Advisory Role appeared first on WIRED .

The Future of America According to President Donald J. Trump

A change in atmosphere rolled into Washington, DC the very second Donald J. Trump approached the podium. And it wasn't just the rain. The post The Future of America According to President Donald J. Trump appeared first on WIRED .

How Silicon Valley Utopianism Brought You the Dystopian Trump Presidency

The basic precepts that drive Silicon Valley philosophically and economically got subverted---easily---by an authoritarian presidential campaign. The post How Silicon Valley Utopianism Brought You the Dystopian Trump Presidency appeared first on WIRED .

The CES Download

It's been a couple of weeks since CES---just enough time to fully process everything we saw there. The post The CES Download appeared first on WIRED .

Beer Yoga (Beer Yoga) and the Week’s Other Miracles

We're proud to bring NextDraft—the most righteous, most essential newsletter on the web—to The post Beer Yoga ( Beer Yoga) and the Week's Other Miracles appeared first on WIRED .

While You Were Offline: The Internet Can’t Look Away From Kellyanne Conway’s Outfit

This is what happens when your buttons are cats. The post While You Were Offline: The Internet Can't Look Away From Kellyanne Conway's Outfit appeared first on WIRED .

The New LinkedIn Looks Just Like Facebook. Smart Move.

The resemblance is uncanny, intentional, and smart on multiple levels. The post The New LinkedIn Looks Just Like Facebook. Smart Move. appeared first on WIRED .

Netflix Is Killing It—Big Time—After Pouring Cash Into Original Shows

Netflix is killing it. And its strategy is actually shockingly simple: spend aggressively, dominate, and make it way too difficult to compete. The post Netflix Is Killing It—Big Time—After Pouring Cash Into Original Shows appeared first on WIRED .

After Probing Tesla’s Deadly Crash, Feds Say Yay to Self-Driving

Tesla's Autopilot system isn't defective, investigators say—and it's stopping crashes. The post After Probing Tesla's Deadly Crash, Feds Say Yay to Self-Driving appeared first on WIRED .