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Showing posts from May 18, 2017

Ubers for the 0.1 Percent

When a private jet or yacht just isn't enough. The post Ubers for the 0.1 Percent appeared first on WIRED .

High-Profile Extortion Hacks Aren’t Paying Off

Hacking big companies and small tends to work---until the hack goes public. The post High-Profile Extortion Hacks Aren't Paying Off appeared first on WIRED .

Internet Providers Insist They Love Net Neutrality. Seriously?

As the FCC starts the process of dismantling its own net neutrality protections, telecoms say not to worry. But their commitment is full of holes. The post Internet Providers Insist They Love Net Neutrality. Seriously? appeared first on WIRED .

‘Things’ Might Be the Prettiest To-Do List App Ever

After five years in development, one of the best original task managers comes back. The post 'Things' Might Be the Prettiest To-Do List App Ever appeared first on WIRED .

Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises—and Pitfalls—of Easy Genetic Modification

Easy genetic modification could mean cures for cancer (yay!), kitty-sized pigs (squee!), and, yes, designer babies (ack). The post Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises—and Pitfalls—of Easy Genetic Modification appeared first on WIRED .

Handmaid’s Tale: Oops, I Created a Sexist Tyranny and Now I Have to Live In It

Think before you trust bigoted zealots with the creation of your new country. The post Handmaid’s Tale : Oops, I Created a Sexist Tyranny and Now I Have to Live In It appeared first on WIRED .

The Daring Laborers Who Sandblast Chernobyl’s Radioactive Metal

... and the cure-all they claim keeps them safe. The post The Daring Laborers Who Sandblast Chernobyl's Radioactive Metal appeared first on WIRED .

The Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory: A Tale of Two Filter Bubbles

Two very different stories this week got a very similar reaction—depending on what our media diet looks like. The post The Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory: A Tale of Two Filter Bubbles appeared first on WIRED .

The Maligned Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Is Better—and More Important—Than You Know

David Lynch's controversial film remains a heart-rending work that brings the dead girl at the center of 'Twin Peaks' back to life. The post The Maligned Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Is Better—and More Important—Than You Know appeared first on WIRED .

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the UItimate Sequencer

A new US-based R&D facility will support Chinese genetics company BGI in its efforts to develop next-next-generation sequencing technologies. The post A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the UItimate Sequencer appeared first on WIRED .

With Uber Freight, Travis Takes on Trucking

It's like Uber, but for freight. The post With Uber Freight, Travis Takes on Trucking appeared first on WIRED .

Hey Startups, It’s Your Duty to Fight for Net Neutrality

Opinion: Tech entrepreneurs should speak out about net neutrality. The post Hey Startups, It’s Your Duty to Fight for Net Neutrality appeared first on WIRED .

Cities Can’t Sign Treaties—But They Can Still Fight Climate Change

The Mayor of Los Angeles says his city will stay in the Paris Climate Agreement even if the US doesn't. It sort of can't. But then again, it already is. The post Cities Can't Sign Treaties—But They Can Still Fight Climate Change appeared first on WIRED .

Hear Me Out: Let’s Elect an AI as President

An artificial Intelligence would consider all the facts before making the most rational decision for the greatest good. What could possibly go wrong? The post Hear Me Out: Let’s Elect an AI as President appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED Has a New Home on Snapchat Discover

Weekly editions will feature the best of the magazine, the website, video—and exclusive content just for Snapchat The post WIRED Has a New Home on Snapchat Discover appeared first on WIRED .

If Nothing Else, Robert Mueller Could Bring Clarity to Trump’s Russia Ties

The special counsel role has a whole lot of room to work, which will hopefully clear up all the innuendo. The post If Nothing Else, Robert Mueller Could Bring Clarity to Trump's Russia Ties appeared first on WIRED .

The Slickest Things Google Debuted Today at Its Big Event

The coolest announcements from Google I/O, from a new chip processor to Google Assistant on iOS. The post The Slickest Things Google Debuted Today at Its Big Event appeared first on WIRED .

Sundar Pichai Sees Google’s Future in the Smartest Cloud

In an exclusive interview with WIRED, Google's CEO lays out a vision of the company's future that goes way beyond search. The post Sundar Pichai Sees Google's Future in the Smartest Cloud appeared first on WIRED .

Meet PatriotHole, The Onion’s New Right-Wing-Skewering Mockery Machine

The new site aims to be "a loud light in the darkness." The post Meet PatriotHole, The Onion's New Right-Wing-Skewering Mockery Machine appeared first on WIRED .

Chelsea Manning Walks Back Into a World She Helped Transform

She inspired a culture of whistleblowing that changed a nation. Today, she is released from prison. The post Chelsea Manning Walks Back Into a World She Helped Transform appeared first on WIRED .

Startling Photos Capture Myanmar’s $31 Billion Jade Mining Industry

A look at the jade-rich hills of Kachin, where everyone's digging for the single stone that will make them rich. The post Startling Photos Capture Myanmar's $31 Billion Jade Mining Industry appeared first on WIRED .