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Showing posts from October 28, 2016

Computer Class

We break down the details of the new (and exciting!) PC hardware from Microsoft and Apple. The post Computer Class appeared first on WIRED .

How Pittsburgh’s Drinking Water Got Contaminated with Lead

This summer, 81,000 homes in Pittsburgh received a worrisome letter about their water. The local utility "has found elevated levels of lead in tap water samples in some homes," it said. Seventeen percent of samples had high levels of the metal, which can cause "serious health problems." The situation was bad enough to attract the […] The post How Pittsburgh's Drinking Water Got Contaminated with Lead appeared first on WIRED .

16 Ways to Design a Better Intersection—And Better Cities

Urban designers have lots of tricks for turning a city intersection into something more like a plaza and less like a freeway interchange. The post 16 Ways to Design a Better Intersection---And Better Cities appeared first on WIRED .

Clinton Campaign Wants States to Toughen Cyberbullying Laws

With less than two weeks until the election, Clinton adds anti-bullying proposal to her platform with a focus on cyberbullying. The post Clinton Campaign Wants States to Toughen Cyberbullying Laws appeared first on WIRED .

WIRED Book Club: An Entire Trilogy in a Month? Boom.

Jeff VanderMeer's <em>Southern Reach</em> trilogy wraps up exquisitely, completing a journey from mystery to horror to understanding to, indeed, acceptance. The post WIRED Book Club: An Entire Trilogy in a Month? Boom. appeared first on WIRED .

Review: Switchmate

A ridiculous yet surprisingly compelling way to put some basic automation into your lighting without having to actually rewire anything. The post Review: Switchmate appeared first on WIRED .

Molten Salt Reactors Could Soon Help Power Earth—And One Day Mars

If we get our way and really put humans on Mars in the next two decades, they're gonna need power. The post Molten Salt Reactors Could Soon Help Power Earth—And One Day Mars appeared first on WIRED .

How AI Is Shaking Up the Chip Market

GPUs. FPGAs. TPUs. Good luck keeping it all straight. The post How AI Is Shaking Up the Chip Market appeared first on WIRED .

I’m House-Sitting for Friends—Can I Turn Their Nest Cam Off?

When ethical conundra rear their ugly heads, there's only one person to consult: Mr. Know-It-All. The post I'm House-Sitting for Friends—Can I Turn Their Nest Cam Off? appeared first on WIRED .

Hurry Up and Watch These 11 Things Before They Leave Netflix

A timely baseball comedy, Reese Witherspoon's funniest performance, a landmark Cartoon Network series, and more leave the streaming service November 1. The post Hurry Up and Watch These 11 Things Before They Leave Netflix appeared first on WIRED .

Trump Doesn’t Have the Ground Game to Intimidate Voters

The only way to keep Donald Trump's less-than-subtle call to suppress the vote from working? Vote. The post Trump Doesn't Have the Ground Game to Intimidate Voters appeared first on WIRED .

How the Presidential Election Will Actually Affect the Supreme Court

Because come President Clinton or President Trump, times are changing for SCOTUS. The post How the Presidential Election Will Actually Affect the Supreme Court appeared first on WIRED .

NYC’s Busy Streets, Photoshopped Into Beautiful Desolation

One of the world's most iconic cities gets a makeover. The post NYC's Busy Streets, Photoshopped Into Beautiful Desolation appeared first on WIRED .

Step Into the Garage Where Robots Do All the Parking

When it comes to storing cars efficiently, robots rule. The post Step Into the Garage Where Robots Do All the Parking appeared first on WIRED .

Eighty Hours Later, I’m Still Addicted to Civilization VI

Who needs sleep, work, or socializing when you can play through the entirety of human history over 79 straight hours? The post Eighty Hours Later, I'm Still Addicted to Civilization VI appeared first on WIRED .

6 Ways Pop-Up Video Created a Classic—and Shaped the Internet

Twenty years after it first aired, we look back at the many ways the VH1 phenomenon presaged today's wiki-driven, second-screen culture. The post 6 Ways Pop-Up Video Created a Classic—and Shaped the Internet appeared first on WIRED .

You’ll Miss the Escape Key Even Less Than Your Headphone Jack

Today, with its new MacBook Pro, Apple killed the escape key. In fact, it got rid of physical function keys entirely. Here's why you won't (will?) miss them. The post You'll Miss the Escape Key Even Less Than Your Headphone Jack appeared first on WIRED .

As Standing Rock Protesters Face Down Tanks, the World Watches on Facebook

As law enforcement moved in on Standing Rock protestors on Thursday, Facebook Live and Twitter once again emerged as vital information sources. The post As Standing Rock Protesters Face Down Tanks, the World Watches on Facebook appeared first on WIRED .

Everything Apple Announced Today, From Macs to Apps

All the news that fits into the Touch Bar. The post Everything Apple Announced Today, From Macs to Apps appeared first on WIRED .

Hands On: The New MacBook Pro Is a Whole New Kind of Laptop

Your MacBook Pro was overdue for an upgrade, and today it got one. The post Hands On: The New MacBook Pro Is a Whole New Kind of Laptop appeared first on WIRED .

RIP Vine, the Platform That Made 6 Seconds Feel Like a Lifetime

By isolating and repeating small moments, Vines could amplify a joke, heighten a weird moment's dream-like goofiness, and make the banal seem beautiful. The post RIP Vine, the Platform That Made 6 Seconds Feel Like a Lifetime appeared first on WIRED .

Apple’s New TV App Won’t Have Netflix or Amazon Video

The new Apple TV organizer looks great, but launches with some serious holes. The post Apple's New TV App Won't Have Netflix or Amazon Video appeared first on WIRED .

You Might Not Need Microsoft’s Surface Dial, But You’ll Want It

Microsoft's newest input device is a programmable knob that you'll love playing with The post You Might Not Need Microsoft's Surface Dial, But You'll Want It appeared first on WIRED .

Apple’s New MacBook Pro Has a ‘Touch Bar’ on the Keyboard

Better late than never. The post Apple's New MacBook Pro Has a 'Touch Bar' on the Keyboard appeared first on WIRED .